Mostbet Pakistan Privacy Policy

What Is Covered by This Privacy Policy?

This Policy describes the many kinds of Personal Data that the Company collects about people, along with the methods by which it is gathered, utilized, protected, processed, and shared with third parties.

In this Policy, “Personal Data” refers to any information that is related to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, either directly or via the use of additional information that We have or that We have access to.

In this policy, “processing” refers to any action or series of actions taken with respect to Personal Data, including gathering, logging, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting or altering, retrieving, consulting, using, disclosing via transmission, disseminating, or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.

Which Personal Information About You Do We Gather?

Your email address, first and last name, gender, date of birth, physical address, city and country of residence, zip code, phone number, mobile phone number, account currency, account language, and publicly accessible information from social media and the internet are among the personal details we collect from you upon registration.

We collect the following personal data each time you use your account: IP address, device, operating system, browser, screen resolution, flash version, URLs viewed in the past and present, time and date of login, and location information.

We collect the following personal data about you when you use Our products and services: deposits, wagers, bonuses, game sessions (including the date, time, and length), wins, and losses.

We collect personal information from you, such as utility bills, passports, IDs, driver’s license numbers, and pictures.

When you deposit money or make a withdrawal request, we get personal information from you. This includes details about your bank account, e-wallet, credit card, picture, funding source, phone bill, and bank statement.

Any voluntarily provided personal information about yourself to us while contacting us via chat, social media, customer support, or any other channel, including with requests, complaints, or comments, is considered personal information that we collect from you. Our customer service representatives may record and/or log your calls.

Giving Personal Information To Outside Parties

The Company exchanges Personal Data with companies that are a member of its group of companies in order to support its operations and the delivery of its goods and services.

Additionally, the following third parties that offer Us their services may get Personal Data about you from the Company:

  • Payment services, including banks, payment processors, and service providers;
  • Services related to issues of responsible gaming; for example, when We want to make sure that a person’s amount of wagering is appropriate for his financial situation;
  • Providers of cloud computing services as well as storage and hosting options.

Additionally, in order to protect Our and third parties’ rights, interests, and property—including in the event that legal action is taken, taken, or defended—the Company may disclose Personal Data about you to regulatory, licensing, governmental, local, official, regulatory, and gaming authorities.

Additionally, We may share Personal Data about you with potential purchasers, investors, or lenders of the Company and/or any company within the group of companies of which the Company is a part in the case of any similar transaction (such as the sale of the Company’s or other company’s assets). Furthermore, We may take this action in conjunction with the Company’s and/or any other company’s merger, reorganization, consolidation, or bankruptcy. The Company is a component of this group of firms.

Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Information

Regarding the Personal Data concerning you, you have the following rights. The process for exercising these rights is to send an email to [email protected] with a request to exercise your rights.

Access right

The Company will give you one copy of the Personal Data upon request, and it may charge a reasonable price for additional copies. Unless you specify differently, information requested electronically will be delivered in a widely used electronic format.

It is forbidden to utilize the right to obtain a copy of the personal data in a way that would impair the liberties and rights of other people. As a result, the Company may choose to partially or not fully comply with your request.

Rectification Right

You have the right to request that the Company correct any inaccurate Personal Data it may have on you. While keeping in mind the goals of the processing, you have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by providing an additional statement.

Erasure right

You have the right to request that the Company erase any Personal Data about you when one of the following situations occurs: (a) the Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed; (b) you withdraw your consent, in the event that the processing is done without another legal basis; (c) you may object at any time, for reasons particular to your situation, to the processing of Personal Data about you that is based on the legitimate interests that We or a third party are pursuing and there are no other legitimate grounds for the processing; (d) you object to the processing of Personal Data about you for direct marketing goals;(e) the Personal Data has been processed unlawfully; and (f) the Personal Data has been removed from the Company

Right to freedom in moving data around

You have the right to obtain the Personal Data you have provided to the Company in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format if (a) the processing is carried out automatically, (b) with your consent or in compliance with a contract to which you are a party, or (c) the processing is carried out with your consent. Additionally, you are able to move such Personal Data to another controller.

To exercise your right to data portability, you have the right, if technically feasible, to request that the Company transfer your Personal Data straight to another controller. The use of your right to data portability has no bearing on the Company’s or your rights under the erasure policy.

Right to object

For reasons unique to your situation, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data that is based on the legitimate interests of the Company or a third party, including profiling based on such interests. We won’t process the personal data we have on you any longer unless we can show compelling, justified reasons that surpass your rights, freedoms, and interests—or that the processing is required for the pursuit, establishment, or defense of legal claims.

You have the right to object if your personal information is used for direct marketing, including profiling to the extent that it is pertinent to such direct marketing.

Protection of Your Personal Information

Keeping in mind the risks involved in processing your personal information, we have implemented the requisite organizational and technical precautions to provide an appropriate level of security. The risks associated with personal information that is transferred, stored, or processed in any other way include those pertaining to its unintentional or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, and unauthorized disclosure.

Due to legal obligations or other obligations beyond our control, we might need to provide Personal Data about you to third parties, such as government authorities. We don’t have much control over how these third parties are safeguarding your personal data in these circumstances.

It is impossible to completely protect any internet-based Personal Data transfer. As a result, the Company cannot guarantee that your Personal Data will be protected when it is sent over the Internet to the Company’s website.